The Effects of Too Much Sun
Have you ever felt that fear,
That lives within your skin?
Between organ and air.

That fear that is born of a life it has never lived,
Yet heard all about,
And seen before it’s eyes,
Alive, knowing killing can come,

Today this land may be an orange dust,
And single pink geranium’s between paving,
But not so long ago,
it was clotted with the blood of a human
who knew the killing could come,
A grey hue remains in this dust from dried blood, tussled away,
having once laid a soul to the sky,

A soul once alive
And beating
And breathing
Loving and mothering and fathering even,

Yet fearing within the skin
That place between organ and air.

I can tell you that fear didn’t fight death,
Not even subdued resistance.
They still imbued this earth with blood,
So I am not least surprised
of this fear I’ve heard talked about.

So you may think you know fear,
You may well have experienced it,
But I wonder,
How many truly know what it is like
To live with it,
as if it was an effect of too much sun.

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